Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Challenge: Write For Fifteen Minutes A Day

Laurie Halse Anderson, notable author of young adult novels like Speak, Wintergirls, and Twisted, will host her annual 'Write For Fifteen Minutes A Day' (WFMAD) challenge this August.  For each day of the month, she will post on her blog tips, prompts, and general words of encouragement  for those of us who want to establish a daily writing practice yet find a bajillion reasons to avoid it.  Fifteen minutes a day is doable.  God, I must play Words With Friends and check Facebook for at least 30 minutes a day, so there is no excuse for me not to take part in this awesome writing challenge.  Day 1 of the challenge is also my birthday (August 1! Yippee!), so I'm looking at it as a sort of resolution to embrace writing the way I've always wanted to.  Who's with me?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Teeny tiny review: Shiver

I don't have a lot of time today, but I really want to post about Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver.  Here's the summary from

For years, Grace has watched the wolves in the woods behind her house. One yellow-eyed wolf—her wolf—is a chilling presence she can’t seem to live without. Meanwhile, Sam has lived two lives: In winter, the frozen woods, the protection of the pack, and the silent company of a fearless girl. In summer, a few precious months of being human… until the cold makes him shift back again.

Now, Grace meets a yellow-eyed boy whose familiarity takes her breath away. It’s her wolf. It has to be. But as winter nears, Sam must fight to stay human—or risk losing himself, and Grace, forever. 

What I loved: 

1. Stiefvater's use of descriptive language to create a vivid other-wordly setting.
2. A strong, smart, and confident female protagonist in Grace.
3. An original spin on the werewolf myth (her werewolves transform as a result of temperature changes, not the phases of the moon.
4. The cover...tee hee...
5. Teenage characters that sound like teenagers (most of the time).
6. The ending...sorry, you'll have to read it to find out.

What left me wanting:

 1. The light blue font on some of the pages.  Maybe this was just a manufacturing issue?
 2. That's pretty much it!  I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the sequel, Linger.

You can listen to the author read the first two chapters of Shiver by clicking here.

Watch an interview with Maggie Stiefvater here:

Next up: The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly

Friday, July 15, 2011

Adolescence: Scarier than Freddy Krueger

from Middle School Confessions on HBO Family

Think back to when you were in middle school.  

What were you doing, thinking, and feeling?  

I was listening to "sad song tapes" custom-made to induce a night's worth of sobbing.  I also made sure I avoided earning A's on my report card because apparently being smart also made a person a real loser.  My hair, teeth, and feet were ginormous, and I had a bad habit of falling in love with the meanest boys in school.

Whatever your middle school experience, it was probably anything but easy or simple.  We adults, myself included, tend to forget just how difficult those years were (or maybe we conveniently bury the memories because some are so horrific).  Whatever the case, it's important for any adult who works with young people to try to understand their problems, dreams, and fears.  We need to understand and respect their world.  This isn't to say that we should allow middle school kids to get away with anything they want.  Adolescents need rules, boundaries, and a structured environment. However, I do think we need to treat them as real people and, from what I've learned so far, most people just want to be heard.  If we freak out every time they try to share something of themselves with us, we will lose their trust and our ability to give them meaningful guidance throughout some of the most confusing years of their lives.

Middle School Confessions, an HBO documentary centered around this complex developmental stage, provides a window into the lives of modern adolescents.  I won't lie - it's really hard to watch.  It will probably make many adults angry, sad, and more than a little uncomfortable.  Watch it anyway. In it you will see tweens encounter sex, bullying, depression, drugs, alcohol, and violence.  Sounds fun, huh?  Watch it anyway.  In fact, I double-dog dare you to watch it with your kids (Rated TV14).  

At the very least, click here to read more about it and to find a schedule of showings on HBO Family.

Remember, it won't do us any good to pretend our middle schoolers are still little kids.  Let's talk to them, listen to them, and share our own experiences with them.  They might cringe, roll their eyes, even slam the door in our faces...but somewhere deep down they'll know we care and that we're throwing them a life line...and when they're ready, they just might be willing to grab on.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

That Summer

I stayed away from Sarah Dessen for a long time...on purpose.  I'm about to admit something I'm not proud of at all. it goes...I JUDGED HER BOOKS BY THEIR COVERS!  Whew, I feel so much better now.

Honestly though, during my occasional strolls through the YA section of my local Barnes and Noble I would gaze up at her (many) titles and think, 'I've heard she's good...she's been around for a while...pretty popular with teens...but I just can't get over these covers...a boy and a girl on a bike, a boy and a girl dancing on a beach, a girl doing a cart wheel on a beach...CHEESY...nope, I just can't do Sarah Dessen for this crazy teacher...I want something edgier...more blood and guts!'

Then one day, I picked up the cart wheel book, opened it up, and read a little bit off the first page:

"The day my father got remarried, my mother was up at six A.M. defrosting the refrigerator.  I woke to the sound of her hacking away and the occasional thud as a huge slab of ice crashed.  My mother was an erratic defroster." (1)

Right away, I changed my tune.  This story wasn't going to be fluff n' stuff.  Those few sentences held the promise of humor and the raw emotion and upheaval experienced by families going through divorce.  This book was going to be good!

Here is the publisher's description of That Summer (a.k.a. the cart wheel book):

"For fifteen-year-old Haven, life is changing too quickly. She’s nearly six feet tall, her father is getting remarried, and her sister, the always perfect Ashley, is planning a wedding of her own. Haven wishes things could just go back to the way they were. Then an old boyfriend of Ashley’s reenters the picture, and through him, Haven sees the past for what it really was, and comes to grips with the

I felt like That Summer was really more about character than plot, which is fine by me as long as the character is interesting.  Haven, the protagonist, is easy to relate to.  She's awkward, stuck between childhood and adulthood, hasn't found her voice yet, and doesn't seem to fit anywhere.  We watch her, over the course of the novel, get more comfortable with herself and with her reality.  We also see her learn how to break out of the  rescuer role in her family.  None of these things happen quickly, easily, or perfectly, and That Summer isn't the kind of book that ties up every loose end.  Instead Sarah Dessen does a great job of allowing her readers to make some of their own predictions about Haven and the rest of the characters in the book.  She subtly and and skillfully coveys some important themes: things aren't always what they seem; the importance of letting go of the past and looking ahead; accepting the imperfect love of our families.

Sarah Dessen treats her subject matter and readers with honesty and respect and comes across as very down-to-earth...not fluffy at all.  I'd be proud and more than comfortable to place That Summer in the hands of my students.

And the moral of the story is:  DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER..

Once, Then, and Now

My good friend Ms. G agreed to blog about what sounds like a fascinating trilogy by author Morris Gleitzman.  In fact, she read the last two books in one day!  That's a sure sign of a gripping story.  Here is some background information about the books followed by Ms. G's review:

Author's description: "Now is the third book about Felix.  In Once and Then, Felix is a ten-year-old boy struggling to survive in Nazi-occupied Poland in 1942.  He and his dearest friend, six-year-old Zelda, are caught up in that terrible time we call the Holocaust." 

The front and back covers of Once read:

to have
something good in their life.

At least

"Once I escaped from an 
orphanage to find Mum and Dad.

Once I saved a girl called 
Zelda from a burning house.

Once I made a Nazi
with a toothache laugh."

The cover of Then reads:

"I had a plan for me and Zelda:
Pretend to be someone else.
Find new parents.
Be safe forever.

Then the Nazis came."

The cover of Now reads:

"Once I didn't know about my grandfather Felix's scary childhood.
Then I found out what the Nazi's did to his best friend Zelda.
Now I understand why Felix does the things he does.

At least he's got me.
My name is Zelda too.
This is our story."

Here is what Ms. G had to say:

My mother introduced me to Once this winter - after finishing it in one sitting, I pre-ordered Then.  Last week my aunt who was visiting from Australia, brought Now.  I was sitting on my porch finishing the final pages of Then, when company returned from outings and I refused to talk to anyone as I read the final pages with tears streaming down my face.  After dinner, I stayed up until 3:30 with Now.  It is fair to say that all Holocaust stories are disturbing, so fair warning that Once and especially Then tell of those horrors, but there are laugh-out-loud moments too.  

Now is different.  It is set in modern day Australia, outside of the city of Melbourne.  While Felix narrates Once and Then, his granddaughter, Zelda, tells their story in Now.  I found all three books engaging throughout, but if you only have time for one, Then   is the best - the most heart wrenching, but the best none the less.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Listen to The Graveyard Book for free!

I'm smack dab in the middle of Sarah Dessen's That Summer right now, so won't be posting a new review today.  However, I did want to share the fact that you can watch Neil Gaiman read his award-winning The Graveyard Book in its entirety (and for free!) by visiting  You won't be sorry!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Granny Torrelli Makes Soup

I have to make it quick today because Mr. K would really like to get to Home Depot to pick out the perfect stones for our soon-to-be patio.  So without further ado, here is the publisher’s description of Granny Torrelli Makes Soup by Sharon Creech:

"Bailey, who is usually so nice, Bailey, my neighbor, my friend, my buddy, my pal for my whole life, knowing me better than anybody, that Bailey, that Bailey I am so mad at right now, that Bailey, I hate him today.

Twelve-year-old Rosie and her best friend, Bailey, don't always get along, that's true. But Granny Torrelli seems to know just how to make things right again with her interesting stories and family recipes. It's easier to remember what's important about love, life, and friendship while Granny Torrelli makes soup." (Harper Collins Publishers)

I thought this book was excellent!  It is divided into two parts: Soup and Pasta.  Throughout each section, Rosie, the kind but fiery narrator and protagonist, sits in the kitchen with Granny Torrelli and tells her about new problems with her long-time friend Bailey.  Granny does what most adults (including myself) sometimes have a hard time doing: she just listens.  When she’s not listening, she’s telling Rosie a relatable story about her own childhood, resulting in an amused and/or shocked Rosie and reader.  Of course, Granny’s stories, like her soup, are deep with meaning and flavor, and affect the way Rosie thinks about her friendship with Bailey.

My favorite part of this book is the way Sharon Creech created distinct and authentic voices for her characters.  They seemed like real people whose homes I would want to be invited to for dinner again and again.  Rosie is smart and a little cocky, with a temper that gets her into a decent amount of trouble.  This is something to which I can relate!  Granny is funny, deceptively sharp, and always beaming with warmth.  I wish she were a part of my family and you will too if you give this book a try!   

Monday, July 4, 2011

Philippa Fisher's Fairy Godsister

Summary from Booklist: “Philippa is lonely when her best friend Charlotte moves to the country. Picking a daisy, she sings a magical charm, thereby animating her very own fairy godsister—complete with three wishes. Unfortunately, the argumentative Daisy is not particularly fond of humans and her wishes turn out very badly: Philippa’s parents become more “normal” but they fight all the time, and Philippa’s new-found popularity doesn’t make her especially happy.

I enjoyed reading the tale of Philippa Fisher and her Fairy Godsister by Liz Kessler. It was a nice.  It was pleasant. The problem is, I want my stories to be more than nice and pleasant. I want them to reach out and touch my heart, maybe even rip my guts out, and this book didn't do that. I believe there were two things that got in the way for me as I read this book:

1. The protagonist was absurdly naïve.  Philippa, good-hearted as she might be, really never sees anything coming…EVER.  This quality became annoying for me because, instead of experiencing the story as if I was standing beside Phillipa,  I felt like I was standing way ahead of her waving my arms and shouting, “Dude, this way!  Come on, already!” Which leads me to my next point…

2. The story events were far too predictable.  Middle-grade readers can be quite savvy and might feel insulted by the overwhelming amount of foreshadowing provided throughout the plot.

However, Philippa’s story was still a lot of fun in spite of these issues.  In it you will find fairies, tree houses, talking rainbows, luminescent wish vouchers, and an important message about the importance of being yourself.  Give it a shot and let me know what you think!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


It's that time of year...the time you think will NEVER, EVER's...wait for it...SUMMER VACATION! Along with swimming, staying up way too late, and sleeping in way too late, it's also a wonderful time to read, read, read. Yeah, I said it. But before anyone starts freaking out, just remember that the books you read over the summer should be fun and exciting. Your summer reading books, aside from the ones you might have no choice but to read because of a school assignment, shouldn't feel like work. I, Mrs. K, grant you permission to read for enjoyment. Choose books that make you forget you're even reading. After 30 pages, if a book hasn't hooked you, put it down and try something new. Abandoning a book that isn't working for you is your right as a reader! Now, before anyone starts using this as an excuse to refuse to read beyond page 30 when your class is assigned Romeo and Juliet or To Kill a Mockingbird, think again. Teachers use these texts because they are GREAT, culturally relevant, and will exercise your critical reading muscles. Trust me folks, you want to be literate members of society. Literacy means opportunity, happiness, and intellectual freedom!

But back to the whole idea of fun. It's summer, keep reading, but make sure you feel good while you're doing it. If you're not sure where to start, come visit my blog. Throughout July and August I will update Mrs. K's Bookshelf like crazy because it is my responsibility as a teacher of literacy to stay current with what is happening in the fields of children's and adolescent literature...not to mention I will have a blast doing it! Check it out weekly for news and reviews of books written for you. Happy reading!