Sunday, July 3, 2011


It's that time of year...the time you think will NEVER, EVER's...wait for it...SUMMER VACATION! Along with swimming, staying up way too late, and sleeping in way too late, it's also a wonderful time to read, read, read. Yeah, I said it. But before anyone starts freaking out, just remember that the books you read over the summer should be fun and exciting. Your summer reading books, aside from the ones you might have no choice but to read because of a school assignment, shouldn't feel like work. I, Mrs. K, grant you permission to read for enjoyment. Choose books that make you forget you're even reading. After 30 pages, if a book hasn't hooked you, put it down and try something new. Abandoning a book that isn't working for you is your right as a reader! Now, before anyone starts using this as an excuse to refuse to read beyond page 30 when your class is assigned Romeo and Juliet or To Kill a Mockingbird, think again. Teachers use these texts because they are GREAT, culturally relevant, and will exercise your critical reading muscles. Trust me folks, you want to be literate members of society. Literacy means opportunity, happiness, and intellectual freedom!

But back to the whole idea of fun. It's summer, keep reading, but make sure you feel good while you're doing it. If you're not sure where to start, come visit my blog. Throughout July and August I will update Mrs. K's Bookshelf like crazy because it is my responsibility as a teacher of literacy to stay current with what is happening in the fields of children's and adolescent literature...not to mention I will have a blast doing it! Check it out weekly for news and reviews of books written for you. Happy reading!

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